"December 2013, Budapest

The management of VIV Zrt., one of the leading electrical companies in Hungary, increased its stake from 4% to 99% with the help of bank financing in VIVBER Kft., an electrical equipment manufacturing company in Bicske.

With 50 years of experience and competitive professional staff, VIV Group – which functioned as the subsidiary of the German Siemens AG between 1991 and 1996 – operates as a prime contractor and provides general implementation, planning, equipment manufacturing and maintenance services in Hungary and the EU countries. The Group with country-wide coverage is primarily involved in the fields of industrial electricity, power engineering and building electricity and participates in projects that require special training and experience, including airports, military facilities and public transport infrastructure implementation.

The flagship companies of the Group with diversified services portfolio are the VIV Zrt. in Budapest and VIVBER Kft. in Bicske, of which the latter deals with large scale and complex industrial electrical equipment manufacturing and provision of related services.

The VIV Zrt. received bank financing with favourable terms to buy out Dr. András Nagyiványi and János Nagy owner-managers preparing for retirement and other no longer operationally active co-owners, and eventually to help the current operational management team of VIV Zrt. acquire stakes in VIVBER Kft. (MBI).

Concorde MB Partners was the exclusive financial advisor of the Group in the transaction.