Equity Strategy Plan

Transaction multipliers are often perceived as something that cannot be changed by sellers, but in fact they can affect it significantly. Regent Assay Corporate Finance, an IMAP partner in England, has developed a methodology for this purpose, for which Concorde MB Partners Hungary has been granted exclusive use. With the help of the Equity Strategy Plan, we can identify and improve the non-financial characteristics of businesses that affect the value of the company.

The main purpose of developing an Equity Strategy Plan is to draw business owners’ attention to the business risks that reduce the value of a company, and to the capabilities and non-financial resources of a company that may not have been recognized yet, but can be very attractive to investors and . increase the value of companies.

The Equity Strategy Plan can be devised in three steps:

1. Step 1: Assessment for today
Egy elemzés keretében megállapítjuk, hogy az Ön társasága hol helyezkedik el az iparági sztenderdhez képest. Ennek az eredménye egy előzetes értékelés, amely képet ad cégének jelenlegi értékéről.

Step 2: Determination of the available company value
We determine the range of values that can be achieved by implementing the Equity Strategy Plan.

Step 3: Design  of the capital value increasing strategy 
We identify and analyse business risks as well as capabilities and non-financial resources of the company that affect the value of your company, and we identify projects to eliminate these risks and enhance capabilities.

Start now!

In our experience, Equity Strategy Plan projects often have a maturity of 2-3 years. It is therefore worthwhile to start projects immediately so that their effect be felt within a short time.